Changing MAC address for ethernet card (in linux)
I have a program that checks its license with the MAC address of the (an) ethernet adapter.Now the ethernet card was fried (last friday, lightning stroke in the neighbourhood and not only the NIC (Network Interface Card) was fried. Luckilly not the harddisk.
So now I replaced it (and the power supply), but - of course - the license would not register.
Now in Linux you can - if the driver supports it - alter your MAC address:
sudo ifconfig eth0 hw internet 00:01:02:03:04:05
where you set as eth0 the NIC reference and as 00:01:02:03:04:05
the MAC address you want your NIC to use henceforth.Ah well, I found an nice page with an overview of how to do 'it' in different OS's (see link under title of this blog-item).